duruşma günü

  1. appearance day
  2. court day
  3. days in bane
  4. day in court
  5. day of hearing
  6. day fixed for trial
  7. legal d
  8. hearing date
  9. trial date
  10. legal day
juridical day
to put a case on the calendar Verb
to assign a day for a hearing in court Verb
to set down a case for hearing (trial) Verb
to fix a date for hearing in court Verb
to assign a day for a hearing in court Verb
to fix a day for the hearing Verb
to fix a hearing Verb
to fix a d for the hearing Verb
to fix a day for a hearing in court Verb
to application a hearing Verb
to settle a day for a hearing Verb
to assign a day for a hearing in court Verb
to assign a day for a hearing in court Verb